Guide to silk masks

In 2020, the covid-19 health crisis made it compulsory to wear a mask from the age of 6 in enclosed places open to the public and in the streets of certain cities. There are several types of masks available in pharmacies, stores and online: FFP2 masks (designed to protect the wearer), surgical masks (anti-spray) and washable fabric masks for the general public. The latter are the most ecological and economical in the long run.

Covid masks

With the new regulations, many people are required to wear a mask for days on end at school or at work. However, the prolonged wearing of the mask prevents the skin from breathing, thus causing skin problems such as pimples, irritations or even a drying of the epidermis. The term "Mascné", born from the contraction of the words "masks" and "acne" or "Maskné", has recently appeared and is regularly used in the press and on the Internet.

Silk, the best fabric for protective masks

The ideal mask must be comfortable, ensure good breathability and be able to repel moisture. Moreover, the health authorities and the AFNOR (French Association for Standardization) recommend changing the mask when it is wet or "made wet by its use (breathing, perspiration...)" because it then becomes less effective.

So which fabric mask best meets these requirements?

Laboratory tests

A study published on September 22, 2020, carried out by researchers at the University of Cincinnati in the United States states that thanks to its benefits, silk is the most suitable fabric for the manufacture of protective masks.

Patrick Guerra, the author of this research, is a biologist and lecturer at this university. As a butterfly specialist, he knows perfectly well the natural properties of the silk that worms produce to make their cocoons. With his postdoctoral researcher Adam Parlin, they conducted laboratory tests on different fabrics such as cotton or polyester and were able to demonstrate the effectiveness of silk.

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Copper against viruses

Studies have shown that copper has antiseptic properties that are particularly effective against bacteria and viruses. Mulberry silk naturally contains copper thanks to the worms that feed on mulberry leaves.

The exceptional properties of silk
Silk is naturally antiseptic, but also antibacterial and antiviral.


The breathability of a fabric is its ability to eliminate water vapor. It is known that humidity reduces the filtering power of masks. Silk has the ability to absorb moisture and evacuate it quickly. It also has the advantage of drying very quickly.

Moreover, the first mode of transmission of the coronavirus is that of respiratory droplets, and silk is hydrophobic.


Silk is the softest material available for the manufacture of fabric masks. Its softness makes it more comfortable to wear than other materials. Being thinner than cotton or polyester, it allows the wearer to breathe better behind the mask.

The benefits of silk for the skin

Silk is naturally hypoallergenic, it preserves skin moisture and allows your skin to breathe, thus limiting the appearance of pimples or other irritations. As it absorbs less creams than cotton for example, your care face can thus act more effectively.

To avoid mascara and limit skin eruptions, choose a silk mask.

Maison de la Soie silk protection mask

Silk masks, the new fashion?

With the latest studies stating that the best fabric for face masks is silk, many brands and stores have started selling these products.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that since 2009, Maison de la Soie has been selling silk bedding, bed linen and fashion and beauty accessories. We know the virtues of this natural fiber for many years. It is therefore logical that you will find on our website silk face masks from 19,90€ made with care by our best partners.

€17.91 €19.90 -10%

The press recommends Maison de la Soie

Le FigaroLes masques en soie, une alternative chic dopée par une étude scientifique

France Bleu : Coronavirus : le masque en soie serait plus efficace et meilleur pour la peau selon une étude.

Sources :

Retrouvez toutes les recommandations et les informations officielles sur le site du gouvernement.

Vous pouvez consulter l'article en lien avec l’étude de l’Université de Cincinnati directement sur leur site (en anglais).